
June Transactions

NAI Ohio Equities在6月份完成了超过19笔交易, including large office sales and leases. 一些规模较大的交易包括韦斯特维尔公园草地路707号的一笔完全由公司内部完成的交易. 业主由Andy Dutcher的办公室经纪集团代表, Matt Gregory, 和菲利普·伯德,买家由马克·弗朗西斯科和乔·门宁格组成的首都团队代表. The building sold for $1,800,000. To download our entire report, please click Here.

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在3月8日举行的Columbus Realtors商业经纪奖晚宴上,NAI Ohio Equities的两名经纪人获得了奖项, 2018. Jim Merkel, SIOR, CCIM获得2017年Erika Blumenstein纪念奖,John Mally获得最独特商业交易奖. 吉姆因其专业精神和对商业房地产行业和俄亥俄州中部社区的杰出贡献而获得该奖项. Jim在房地产行业工作超过45年,擅长办公, industrial and investment brokerage. 他提供增值、全面的房地产服务……

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Commercial Real Estate 101 

4 Ways that Driverless Cars Could Impact the CRE Industry

从底特律的大型汽车制造商到硅谷的科技公司,许多公司都在向无人驾驶汽车投入研究资金, 预计这一发展将彻底改变商业地产的未来. 这种转变为新投资创造了机会,也为现有物业带来了挑战. 无人驾驶汽车的最大影响将是停车需求的减少. As cars become fully autonomous, 乘客可以在最终目的地下车,然后继续接其他乘客或自己停车。

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Commercial Real Estate 101 

Three Unique Challenges During a Good Industrial Market

This is a re-post from our Industrial Property Team blog. You can find the original post here. 如今,工业地产的市场非常火爆. However, 它给自己带来了一系列挑战,可能导致所有相关各方优柔寡断和沮丧. Let’s look at three scenarios where we see this happening. Lack of Options for Buyers/Tenants: Historically, 当经纪人做房产搜索时,有许多建筑物符合要求. 有了大量的选择,客户会觉得……

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NAI Ohio Equities Completes Sale of 555 Yearling

Hackman Capital Partners LLC和NAI Ohio Equities今天宣布,最近将555 Yearling Road出售给总部位于俄克拉荷马州的WCOL, LLC for $3,517,900. The free-standing, 164,450-square-foot building, sold by a Hackman Capital affiliate, 它坐落在哥伦布国际航空中心大楼对面的街道上,就在哥伦布国际机场的南面.  大楼全部由瑞尔森公司占据,业内最大的金属经销商之一. Ryerson will remain at the property. “这是一个独特的坚固,起重机服务的工业建筑. We’re thrilled the investment was a…

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NAI Ohio Equities在我们的办公室宣布最新的SIOR, Matthew Osowski NAI Ohio Equities, 全球首屈一指的波音bbin管理网络的成员, 很荣幸地宣布马修·奥索夫斯基获得了SIOR的称号. SOIR称号是一个专业成就,高素质的商业房地产从业人员与强大的经纪交易历史, fee-based services, or executive management. SOIR设计人员是工业和办公市场的专家, transactional closers, top producing professionals and the best of the best. “We are…

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Northwoods II office building changes ownership; NAI Ohio Equities retains leasing

Ownership at the Northwoods II Office, 位于北高街8101号的公司已改为PNL公司. PNL专注于识别和最大化美国商业房地产的价值,并被Northwoods II吸引,因为其永恒的建筑和复兴的Worthington办公子市场. The company closed on the acquisition on August 3, 2016. PNL计划立即投资100多万美元用于建筑升级和翻新, including roof, HVAC, LED lighting, 停车场和现代化的洗手间和主大堂…

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Market Reports 

NAI Ohio Equities 2nd Quarter 2016 Market Reports

总体而言,哥伦布地区继续充满活力和健康. Rental rates continue to inch up in favor of landlords, resulting in new construction – 500,000 square feet in the office sector; 4,000,000 square feet in industrial; and 1,400,000 square feet in retail. Though is it good news that our market is healthy, 空置率的下降和租金的上涨导致房东在谈判新租约时拥有更大的影响力.下载电影硬核亨利2015现在为租户寻找新的空间租赁, never has it been more important to partner…

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NAI Ohio Equities’ Participates in KickButtColumbus 2016

上周末,kickbutcolumbus举办了第8届年度哥伦布清理活动,共有40支队伍参加. The teams focused on cleaning up 148 ramp areas at 39 interchange locations along I-70; I-71; I-670; I-270; and SR-104. 每个团队都致力于在通往哥伦布社区的门户地区做出巨大的改变. 以下是数据:预告片《官方直营bbin》从坡道上收集了757袋垃圾/垃圾,相当于22袋,710 lbs. 两个30码的滚落式垃圾箱装满了从坡道上收集来的袋子和碎片,290 bags of recyclables…

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